If you are a dreamer, come in, If you are a dreamer, A wisher, a liar, A hope-er, a pray-er, A magic bean buyer . . . Come in . . . for where the sidewalk ends, Shel Silverstein´s world begins. You´ll meet a boy who turns into a TV set, and a girl who eats a whale. The Unicorn and the Bloath live there, and so does Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout who will not take the garbage out. It is a place where you wash your shadow and plant diamond gardens, a place where shoes fly, sisters are auctioned off, and crocodiles go to the dentist. Shel Silverstein´s masterful collection of poems and drawings is at once outrageously funny and profound.
Peso: | 0.67 kg |
Número de páginas: | 180 |
Ano de edição: | 2014 |
ISBN 10: | 0060256672 |
ISBN 13: | 9780060256678 |
Altura: | 23 |
Largura: | 18 |
Comprimento: | 2 |
Faixa etária inicial : | A partir de 8 anos de idade |
Idioma : | Inglês |
Tipo de produto : | Livro |
Assuntos : | Literatura Infanto Juvenil |
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