Little Critter stars in a picture book about feeling angry. With minimal text and illustrations to spell out every new situation, the book shows the Critter family saying no to everything Little Critter wants to do. He can´t keep frogs in the tub.Hecan´t help paint the house. Finally, mad at the world, Little Critter announces he will run away. When pals come by and ask him to come and play baseball, our young hero´s mood quickly changes. He grabs his bat and heads off for the game, telling himself he can run away another day if he is still so mad.
Peso: | 0.07 kg |
Número de páginas: | 24 |
Ano de edição: | 1985 |
ISBN 10: | 0307119394 |
ISBN 13: | 9780307119391 |
Altura: | 20 |
Largura: | 20 |
Edição: | 1 |
Faixa etária inicial : | A partir de 3 anos de idade |
Idioma : | Inglês |
Tipo de produto : | Livro |
Assuntos : | Literatura Infantil |
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