Categoria: Teoria e Crítica literária

Witness Against The Beast Blake, William Cambridge Usa

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E. P. Thompson’s long-awaited book on William Blake was published shortly after the historian’s death in August 1993. Acclaimed as one of his best and most deeply felt works, it appears now for the first time in paperback. Written with a vivid passion, and bearing the marks of Thompson’s lifelong struggle against authoritarian and anti-humanitarian politics both at the level of the individual and of the state, Witness Against the Beast: William Blake and the Moral Law is a profound enquiry into the structure of Blake’s thought and the character of his sensibility. Its qualities are among those which place Thompson himself in the same tradition of dissenting values and non-conforming radicalism represented by Blake some two hundred years earlier.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0.33 kg
Número de páginas: 284
Ano de edição: 1994
ISBN 10: 0521469775
ISBN 13: 9780521469777
Altura: 2
Largura: 14
Comprimento: 22
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Teoria e Crítica literária

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