Categoria: Leituras Graduadas

Thirty-nine Steps, The - Young Adult Eli Readers A2 - Downlodable Multimedia Buchan, John European Language Institute

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An adventure novel featuring Richard Hannay, an all-action hero with a stiff upper lip and a miraculous knack for getting himself out of sticky situations.Richard Hannay is bored. He is all alone in a big city, and he wants something to happen, anything. One evening, when he gets back home, someone is waiting for him. This someone will leave him with a question, and Hannay must find an answer. His future, and indeed the future of the whole of Europe depends on it. The question is, what are the thirty-nine steps?SyllabusPresent Simple and Present Continuous - Past Simple and Past Continuous - Present Perfect - Future forms Will, Going to, -ing form - Modals can ability, permission, could ability in the past, shall suggestions, should advice, may possibility, must obligation, need necessity

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0.18 kg
Número de páginas: 80
Ano de edição: 2022
ISBN 10: 885363233X
ISBN 13: 9788853632333
Altura: 21
Largura: 14
Edição: 1
Faixa etária inicial : Jovens Adultos 15-21 anos
Idioma : Inglês
Método de ensino : Estudo orientado e/ou individual
Nível (CEFR) - Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas : C2 (Ensino FINAL)
Tipo de ensino : ELT - Inglês como Língua Estrangeira ou 2ª Língua
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Leituras Graduadas
Assuntos : Clássicos

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