Why don’t things abroad work the same way as at home when they look so familiar? An illustrated phrase book for situations where you don’t need words, plus those essential phrases when you do. How were you to know that you had to weigh your own fruit in the supermarket, or that the unidentified machine on the platform was where you should have punched your ticket before getting on the train, or that the barman is trying to tell you to pay for your drink at the cash till before you can order it at the bar, or that the titbits he places by your side are for everyone, not just for you to scoff? New generation phrase book combining highly illustrated practical information (specially commissioned photos) together with essential phrases Up-to-date dictionary containing practical vocabulary An illustrated menu reader to help you sample the best food Collins Language Survival Guides – the key to hassle-free travel
Peso: | 0.322 kg |
Número de páginas: | 192 |
Ano de edição: | 2003 |
ISBN 10: | 000712130X |
ISBN 13: | 9780007121304 |
Altura: | 18 |
Largura: | 11 |
Comprimento: | 1 |
Faixa etária final : | Adultos +21 anos |
Faixa etária inicial : | Jovens Adultos 15-21 anos |
Idioma : | Inglês - Português |
Método de ensino : | Estudo orientado e/ou individual |
Volumes - Série & Curso : | 1 Nível de produto |
Assuntos : | Dicionários |
Assuntos : | Viagens |
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