Categoria: Literatura Estrangeira

Prince And The Art Of War, The Maquiavel, Nicolau Crw Publishing

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With an Afterword by Oliver Francis Written in the sixteenth century and almost immediately a subject of controversy, The Prince presents Machiavelli´s advice to a ruler who would seek to maintain his power most effectively. Pragmatism and expediency are seen to be more important considerations than ethical ones, and a ruler must be prepared to take actions in the interest of public order that might conflict with purely private ethical concerns. A good ruler must avoid being hated by his subjects however. In The Art of War Machiavelli examines ancient military practices for their relevence to modern political issues, and asserts that military power is at the base of all civil order.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0.33 kg
Número de páginas: 0
Ano de edição: 2004
ISBN 10: 1904633811
ISBN 13: 9781904633815
Altura: 10
Largura: 16
Comprimento: 10
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Literatura Estrangeira

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